rijenkii's website


Arduino Wiitar Adapter

This is an open-source DIY alternative to Raphnet Wii adapters. I have made it because I'm fucking broke, and I didn't see anything difficult in building an adapter from scratch. And it really wasn't that difficult - a breadboard, Arduino, couple of power level converters and about 150 lines of code. AND it works on Android!

Rust Chip-8 interpreter

This is more of a toy project. I have wanted to write an emulator for a long time, and CHIP-8 looked like a good starting point. It was fun to code, less (but still) fun to debug, and finally launching tetris on this thing and not crashing was a reward in itself. It's not finished, but I'm probably not going to touch it any time soon.


A Rust crate that allows you to get user directories on linux, basically a crate version of xdg-user-dir utility.